Thursday, August 27, 2015

Schools in America

"I WILL NOT REMAIN SILENT...For those parents to who upset that people-teenagers-kids are talking about suicide in the schools and in the classrooms, and are wanting to talk about it. (Key wanting to talk about it) GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR F@CKING A$$. This is the issue when you can only have those conversations behind closed doors. You think that you are exempt from suicide well you are wrong. No one is!!!! I know the fucking signs for suicide. Sara had none of them!!!!!! You need to talk about these hard topics and not just behind closed doors. Let them talk about it in an open area with peers.I will not back down. We need to promote talking about mental health, mental issues, how to cope with stress, and how the fuck to reach out when you are struggling. We need to promote conversations not silence. You shouldn't have to sit in the office to have a conversation about feelings. Sometimes our mental health needs to be more important than learning shit you will never ever use 10 years from now. But what if you don't make it 10 years because you never reach out....
DO NOT LET THE FEAR KEEP you from saving just one of our children. I don't get the choice anymore to have those hard conversations, I would have never had them with Sara. SHE DIDN'T FIT THE MOLD but she did end her life. Keep having them, just cuz you have them once doesn't magically mean it won't happen to you. Look at the stats-2nd leading cause in death among teens.
BURY YOUR HEADS IN YOUR ASS and you run the RISK of burying your child. Are you willing to make that gamble because you are afraid? cuz you don't think you need to have that conversation? cuz it makes you uncomfortable? Are you willing to lose everything? I wasn't and now we are faced with the nightmare every day.

To those parents who are upset that kids want to talk openly in the middle of class and wanting to stop it, I pray you find guidance and that you never have to face the demons at my door. "

This is my post from today located above because I am being told that parents are upset, irate, angry, yelling that kids are wanting to talk about what happened to Sara and their feelings at school or in general. The school "allowed" some conversations to happen and the parents freaked out. Good you need to freak out. Get angry get mad get having the conversations with your kids. I say allowed loosely, I am not sure the school promoted the conversation or just it happened. The kids are wanting to reach out for help but the parents natural reaction is to blind them and hide it from them.  It is the dumbest thing you can do is to pretend that if you don't talk about it then it wont happen to you. Or think that if you talk about it that it will make the child think about it. That is the stupidest thing you could think . You need do some soul searching and google that shit. Talking about suicide DOESN'T INCREASE THE NUMBERS HOWEVER NOT TALKING ABOUT IT LIKE WE HAVE BEEN DOING...hmmm well its gone from the 3rd place in teenage deaths to 2nd....while I am not really great with math and stats....they are speaking for themselves here people...You send you kids to school for 8 hours to learn about the basics...You educate your children on safe sex, you educate them on safe driving, You educate them on dating, on money....why not their own mental illness, why not protect them from their own struggles.

I will continue to tell everyone. Sara DID NOT FIT THE MOLD of someone who completes suicide. Sara did not come from a broken home! She was not an abused kid from a hard life background. She had the world in her hands and everyone loved her. She knew that she was loved and had so much support. She had it all. There was nothing that wasn't perfect about my baby. Even her pain in my ass attitude that drove me crazy. She was a teenager just like everyone else. She had her good days and bad days.
Do not fear the unknown, discover and understand it so that you are better equipped. Do not let fear allow this hell that I walk through everyday to become your reality. Do not bury your head in the sand.

Look at the websites, look at the stats on teens, looks at the stats of the parents who said that they had NO WARNINGS!!!!! Look in the mirror, Look at your babies..I will never see my daughter walk through that door ever again. Can you seriously get mad that the kids want to talk about it open in class rather than talk about History for an hour. What is 15 minutes and open conversations really matter if at the end of the day, not one more teenagers suffers in silence.

Rant done!

P.S. While I am not saying to shove suicide facts down kids necks all day everyday, its about speaking up. It's about having the tough conversations over and over if needed. My apologies if I can out like a wrecking ball. I just want to protect anyone else from this hell. Just trying to save one more!

SPEAK UP!!!!!!!!!!! SPEAK-Suicide Prevention Education and Awareness for kids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


  1. Allie - you don't know me personally, but probably know "of" me through David, the way I know you and your story. I have two girls - aged 3 and 4 and I already "worry" about their future for a variety of reasons. I wanted to comment to let you know you are reaching a LOT of people through this blog, your Facebook posts, and the Hell you are experiencing. Allie - I have no doubt you've already saved one life and you will continue to save more. I'm so very sorry for all you are going through... At the same time, my family has dealt with mental health issues in a variety of ways and although we haven't had to experience the Hell you are in, we definitely feared it. Please continue this blog and to speak out because even if they don't know it, people need to hear it. Even if angry, it still means they are talking about it - and that's what we all need to happen. You are in my thoughts and prayers daily... Keep putting one foot in front of the other and keep writing... You ARE reaching people! xo

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