Monday, September 28, 2015

Letter from South Social worker recd 5 days after our daughter passed. 9/3/15

Letter we recd Sept 3rd from the school-Lets just say that it didn't go over well at all. "Due to the fragile nature of some of our students who are struggling with a variety of needs we have been highly aware of the possibility of a suicide contagion" So you want to call my child a disease? The last thing you should ever tell a mother who lost her child. Pretty sure they should pay for the additional therapy I am undergoing because of this letter. Our letter asked them what they were going to do to help the current students and what options were there out there to honor our child. This letter sent me spiraling into a depth that put me under safety watch which I am currently still under. My daughter was not a disease she was amazing and beautiful and smart. NOT NEGATIVE OR BAD!

Dear James and Allie,
We extend our sympathy to you and your family for the loss of Sara. She was thought of very highly at South by her peers and staff, and is missed greatly.

As you are aware, the discussion of Suicide, Suicide Prevention, and resources are a delicate balance of identifying and meeting the unique needs of our students here in the building and connecting them with outside resources for ongoing supports. This first month since the loss of Sara we have been diligent as a staff to identify at-risk students, as well as reach out to Sara’s closest friends in order to provide support, resources, and to create a caring environment.

Due to the fragile nature of some of our students who are struggling with a variety of needs we have been highly aware of the possibility of a suicide contagion. Thus the reason why we have delayed whole-group announcements/services until today. At South there has been, and will continue to be, a continuum of supports in times of crises to students, which may include: crisis response planning, individual counseling, resource sharing, and whole group assemblies, to name just a few. Again, it’s a delicate balance of when and how to deliver these services. We have the opportunity in September to further the cause of Suicide Prevention and Awareness due to the national platform. Small group discussions, ongoing training with staff, individual counseling, and resource sharing, etc. will be available for students and staff to learn critical information regarding warning signs, how to respond to a friend who may be thinking of harming themselves, and where to go to reach services. We will also focus on caring for oneself and each other in times of stress and crises.

We recognize that there are many ways to further the cause of Suicide Prevention and Awareness and the links you provided are ones that have been considered in our planning. It is always our hope that South High School is a community that is open to dialogue and learning from difficult and painful experiences. It is out strong desire to create an environment that supports one another in a kind and caring way, whatever the individual needs may be.

Thank you for reaching out,

Johanna Fredenberg and Erin Burve

Joe Gilhouse-Above Principle
Jim Hinson-Superintendent- They dont answer my emails :)
Deb Zila-Board of Education South-

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